Chris reflects on our February Evening

14 February 2022Story night Blog

Covid strikes – and may have delayed our Guest teller for a few months, but stories were still there for the telling. An impromptu evening sprang up, introducing us to: the juiciest meal that was worth dying for, a ring …

Reflections at Midnight, by Jane Young

3 May 2020Blog

At Midnight when asked by Chris Bostock to “Blog Reflect” on last evening’s (May 1st) Storytelling –I immediately recalled, in a sort of, your whole life flashing in front of you moment, all that A Bit Crack has taken me …

The Owl’s Gaze – Reflections from Richard

21 February 2020Blog

The Owl’s Gaze was a remarkable and, for me, important storytelling experience. It was a story of Malcolm’s life and of his developing thinking – the stories we heard both informed those changes and represented them.

The gaze of the …